
Enjoying Sunday relaxing in a warm shower! This is a picture from one of my favorite photo shoots I recently took part in.  Anyways, I am so excited for it to be summer! This is a completely random decision I made but I am trying to practice my Spanish this summer and I am stuck between Barcelona Spain or San Jose Costa Rica, I know I will learn more Spanish in Costa Rica.. Please let me know what you think because this is a hard decision. Also if you have any other suggestions of your favorite Spanish speaking countries please let me know, I love the spanish and latino culture and I want to learn more about their way of life and most of all speak the language. In my opinion, knowing more than one language is vitally important in today's society, Since I have lived in the United States I have also been surrounded by Cuban and Mexican friends, I started to learn naturally but after A while i wanted to go to their countries and learn through exploring new places. I am very excited for this summer and hopefully you can help me make the best choice!  If you could please leave me a email saying what spanish country you suggest. or you can contact me through instagram: Oliviatrowell


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