Daily Meditation and the benefits

 Looking back on these past few days, I am starting to miss the beach already. The view from the hotel was amazing, I loved waking up to this view and then meditating on the beach. I always meditate every morning as a way to clear the mind before the day starts. I used to suffer from headaches and I soon came to realize that I did not need to take medicine to cure it. Many times are heads hurt because our body is trying to tell us something, anyways I realize my headaches were coming from my 8 million thoughts/stress/constantly on the move. All of this made my body feel discomfort and therefore leaving me with major headaches. As I started to take time to quiet the mind and focus on my breathing, I realized my headaches slowly went away and I was back to normal again. Using pain medicine is terrible for the body and when taken too much it can cause much damage to the stomach. When we spend time in nature, take time to ground ourselves in the Earth, Meditate, Do yoga. We will find out who we are are and also feel the difference in our bodies. Its incredible how our of touch with nature and the universe we are in our daily lives. I am so grateful I take the time to connect with the way humans are actually supposed to spend life. We are put here to explore the world and spend time with pure positive nature, you cant help but feel good when your outside and see what life has to offer right in front of your eyes.


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